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Student, CSE, Sejong University

"I never believed that every document could be prepared legally and honestly in Bangladesh—until BaPo delivered. Alhamdulillah, I now find myself exactly where I wanted to be just a few months ago. Thank you, BaPo, for your exceptional service and unwavering integrity. Gracias, BaPo! Gracias!"

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Meraj Hossain Ullas

Student, CSE, Sejong University

"Alhamdulillah for everything, and thank you to Bahire Poralekha for their exceptional, Halal, and legal service. Their dedication to each student and commitment to legal processes ensured my successful visa. They provide honest, straightforward consultation, and thanks to them, I’m now pursuing my Bachelor's in Business Administration at Sejong University in Seoul."

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Madbor Sagor

Student, CSE, Sejong University

"Bahire Poralekha provides good service with honesty. They don’t charge any hidden money."

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Sharmin Akter Retu

Sejong University

"Bahireporalekha is a transparent organisation where you can find all the informations you need for your process. The team is hardworking and friendly. They handle their clients in a calm manner. The environment is professional and you can rely on them blindly. "

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Nishat Anjuman

Sejong University

"My journey started with Bahire Poralekha but it never ended!! So glad to be a part of BaPo Stars now that I'm in South Korea ✨"

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MD Mahmodul Hasan Irfan

Sejong University

"প্রিয় হাসিব ভাই, আপনার অমূল্য সহায়তা ও দিকনির্দেশনার জন্য হৃদয়ের গভীর হইতে আপনাকে জানাই অকৃত্রিম কৃতজ্ঞতা। আপনাকে পাইয়াই আমার জ্ঞানের ভাণ্ডার কিছুটা ভারী হইয়াছে—যদিও এখনও অতল গহ্বরে পড়িয়া রহিয়াছে! আপনার উপদেশ ও দীক্ষা আমাকে নূতন জ্ঞানের সন্ধান দান করিয়াছে, যদিও মাঝে মাঝে মস্তিষ্কের প্রসেসর ওভারলোড হইবার উপক্রম হইয়াছে! আপনার মহৎ প্রচেষ্টা যেন অব্যাহত থাকে এবং ভবিষ্যতেও আমাদের মতো জ্ঞানপিপাসুদের উপর আপনার আশীর্বাদ বর্ষিত হয়, ইহাই আমার বিনীত প্রার্থনা। তবে হ্যাঁ, কেবল জ্ঞানেই নহে, কখনো কখনো একটু তেল-মসলাও যোগ করিবেন, নতুবা জীবন বড়ই ফিকে হইয়া যায়! যদিও আন্টির মোরগ পোলাও সেই ঘাটতি পূরণ করিয়াছে। পুনরায় জানাই অন্তরঙ্গ কৃতজ্ঞতা—ভবিষ্যতে আবারও সাহায্য চাহিলে অবাক হইবেন না! ইতি, মোঃ মাহমুদুল হাসান ইরফান"

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Foaj Mishal

Sejong University

"I'm incredibly grateful to BAPO, Bahire Poralekha, for their outstanding support throughout my admission process to Sejong University in South Korea. Hasib Thirdman, the agency's owner and a knowledgeable YouTuber, feels like an elder brother, guiding me every step of the way. BAPO was a beacon of light, turning the confusing and daunting admission process into a clear path. Their wise guidance, especially in preparing for university interviews, was invaluable. BAPO, Bahire Poralekha, goes above and beyond by assigning a dedicated person-in-charge for every applicant. My PIC, Sojib, was incredibly patient and supportive, handling every call and concern with grace. No matter how trivial my worries, they were always there to calm my anxieties and guide me through. This level of personalized support made all the difference in my admission journey. Highly recommend their service!"

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Mahidul Islam Nahol

Kangwon national university

"At first i want to thank bahire poralekha to help me in my full journey.They guided me very well.Especially Hasib bhai, he's so kind hearted and friendly.see you all in korea."

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Imamul Haque Omi

Sejong University

"I am incredibly grateful to BAPO for their outstanding support in securing my Korean student visa. From the very beginning, their team was professional, responsive, and truly dedicated to making the process smooth and stress-free. They guided me through every step, ensuring that all my documents were perfectly prepared and submitted on time. What I appreciate the most is their clear communication and willingness to assist with any concerns I had. Their expertise made what could have been a complicated process feel effortless. I highly recommend BAPO to anyone looking for reliable and efficient assistance with study abroad applications! Thank you, BAPO, for making my dream of studying in South Korea. Special Thanks to Hasib bhai for his transparency and honesty in this kind of profession. I wish all the success in the world for BAPO."

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Ismat Jahan

Sejong University

"All your hardships and trials will end in full bloom if you're on the right track. BAPO helps you to stay in the right track by providing perfect guidelines!"

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Fahrin Sharif Nowmi

Sejong university

"Bahire Poralekha made my dream of studying in Korea come true! From paperwork to guidance, they handled everything smoothly. I will definitely recommend to contact them. "

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Rayhan Sarker

Far East university

"Thanks for everything ♡"